Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh Yoruba!

I thought I would hate night classes, but coincidently, they rule! All of my days are busy it seems. If I am not at school or work, I am hanging out with someone- it's awesome. I think perhaps I am actually developing a social life, gasp!

Tuesday Teresa, Ana, and I had a sleepover on tuesday night, it was a lot of fun. We talked shit and painted our nails and gorged ourselves on ice cream. The night before I went to Larimer Lounge to listen to some DJ action with a friend. Tonight is a late dinner! Oh, oh, and friday night is Lipgloss, Matthew is DJing- woo!

I had my photoshoot with Knits on tuesday and it was EXHAUSTING! Eight hours of fake smiling really wears on you. I might be on the cover though! That would be awesome.

I am absolutely happy right now. Just happy. Not happy because of some guy on my arm, I am happy because I am self sufficient. Its a far different feeling to make YOURSELF happy, far different than love. This is absolute control. They say you can never love without loving yourself first, I can truely say, I love who I am.

I have so much power at my fingertips, and I am so passionate right now I almost feel like I am going to explode. It may or may not be the caffeine from the cup of coffee I drank, but I feel great. Independent, happy, smart, and booootiful. I have great people surrounding me and amazing friends. I don't fall into categories, I am just- Patrice, and I can not wait to wake up tomorrow and see whats in store for me.

Here is a great quote from the Yoruba culture.

"A man may be very very handsome.
Handsome as a fish within the water.
But if he has no character.
He is no more than a wooden doll."

Just now am I seeing how important one's character actually is, its a powerful powerful force.

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